Paperwork, Hub, Sleaford until 17 November by Kendall Clarke

Reductive, Kendall Clarke. Photograph by Peer Lindgreen

The last few weeks to catch this wonderful exhibition showing at Hub, Sleaford in collaboration with QEST.

This exhibition brings together works from a group of craftspeople who use paper as a primary medium or as an intrinsic part of their process, all of whom have developed their practice through specialist craft training and education supported by the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST). Through the skills of the makers, the exhibition will showcase the versatility of paper as a material, and explore the breadth of its creative and practical potential. The show will consider our continuing relationship with this tactile medium in the age of digital technology, and its enduring usefulness.

QEST Sanderson Design Co. Scholarship by Kendall Clarke

I’m delighted to have been awarded the QEST Sanderson Design Co. scholarship to travel to Japan to learn how to make my own paper yarns. I’ll be working with expert Hiroko Karuno and then participating in a four-week residency at Studio Kura, nr. Fukuoka in the south of the country.

NEW! Saturday weave classes by Kendall Clarke

Introduction to Weaving, March 18th (book via the classes page)

In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to make your own woven fabric. The loom will be prepared in advance so that you can begin weaving immediately. We’ll cover the basic weave structures – plain weave and twill – and you’ll learn how to combine them to create pattern. We’ll experiment with yarns and yarn combinations to create different effects. We’ll also consider colour and how to use it. By the end of the day, you’ll have created your own piece of woven fabric to take home. You’ll have a good understanding of how woven fabric is made, and a handout covering the day’s learning will be provided.

Homo Faber Guide by Kendall Clarke

Thank you Michaelangelo Foundation for including my work in the Homo Faber guide. Read the full interview here

Tansa: Japanese Threads of Influence by Kendall Clarke

Crafts Study Centre, Farnham Jan 4 - March 26

Tansa, the Japanese word for exploration, is the link that binds this Anglo-Japanese exhibition. The work showcases textile miniatures (works that can be held in the hand) from UK and Japanese makers, including Living National Treasures, Grand Masters and renowned contemporary artists,

Introduction to Natural Dyes workshop, 18th September 2021 by Kendall Clarke

An Introduction to Natural Dyes Workshop – Saturday September 18th, 2021, Cockpit Arts, Deptford. 10.30am – 5.30pm. £90, including materials and refreshments.

During the day-long workshop, we’ll prepare samples of yarn and cloth for dyeing in three different dye baths, and also learn how the range of colours we obtain can be extended through modifiers.

You will learn about mordants and how and when to use them, and see the difference they make to a dye colour. You’ll learn how to prepare a dye bath and dye your samples so that you achieve the best colour saturation and even dye coverage. We will then look at how modifiers can extend the spectrum of colours achieved from a dye bath and provide a range of toning colours. We’ll also discuss record keeping, foraging for natural dye materials, as well as growing your own. By the end of the day, you’ll have a range of samples that you can use either to start your own natural dye sample book or in your own textile projects. You’ll also be ready to set up your own dye kitchen and continue experimenting with natural dyes!

 Places limited to 6 people. Book by emailing